At A Voice of Gladness, we link the voices of women together who are seeking to share the light and love of Jesus Christ through their personal experiences with Him. The articles are organized in the following featured series.
Experience and circumstance based writing. This includes experiences from women with particular interests or expertise in certain areas (ie. Joy in… Motherhood, Nature, Loss, Learning, Marriage, Singleness, Creating, really the categories are endless here). If you feel drawn to share your story, this is the series for you!
This featured series all about helping others come closer to Christ and sharing the truths you have been taught through your life experiences. It’s focused on Christ and His teachings. Since our target audience is women who are seeking truth and light, we invite you to use interfaith language. Please remember to correctly cite and include links (when possible) to scriptures, quotes, etc.
An interview series featuring women who exemplify joy and light. If there is a woman you’d like to know more about how they’ve become the way they are, this is a great option! This may also include highlighting a woman from the scriptures or history. The latter could be presented in an essay format.
Our bodies are a key part of God’s plan of happiness for us. This featured series gives a place to share the learning we are gaining of how to nurture, love, utilize, and heal the tabernacles we’ve been given. You can find helpful doctrine and application here!
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