Our goal is to help increase the joy and light in your life, and in the world. We believe that Christ and His teachings are the ultimate source for light and joy. We feel that women have an inherent divine nature and power within them, and often have an inner sense of spirituality. A Voice of Gladness provides a space for women of faith to link their voices together and reach out to women throughout the world. Here, we strive to enable women to receive and share in the gladness that comes from Christ. We invite you to join in this journey of joy with us! Read more about our purpose here.
Meet the Team
Ashley loves teaching and learning, mothering her three children, laughing late at night with her husband, and supporting women through the ups and downs of life. She finds joy in Christ through seeking to feel His love daily through pondering, praying, and studying the scriptures.

Becca loves being with people, especially her family and friends. She enjoys being in the outdoors, playing the piano, running and playing sports, teaching, and learning. Becca finds joy in Christ through recognizing the little things God gives her each day, letting her know He is there: feelings of love, peace, joy, guidance, assurance, and kindnesses from others.

Joanna enjoys spending time with her family and friends, performing beautiful music on her violin, teaching, and continually trying to improve her mind through good books. She finds joy in Christ as she observes beauty and goodness in the world around her, and as she finds His peace through prayer.

Some of Kali’s favorite things are reading classic novels, researching her family history, dancing with her hubby, experimenting in the kitchen, and spending hours laughing with friends and family. Kali finds joy in Christ as she reads about His deep compassion, experiences His unending mercy, and shares His hope with others.

Lindsay is a proud mother of three and wife to her high school sweetheart. She loves the mountains, traveling, and most of all spending time with her family. She finds joy in Christ as she feels His love from those who strive to be like Him.

Sarah is a enthusiastic learner and adventurer, who enjoys assisting refugees, traveling, writing music, learning arabic, and aunting her 16 nieces and nephews. She finds joy in Christ as she experiences His daily mercy and as she testifies of Him through music.

Stephanie is a wife, photographer, and mother of four, including one angel son who passed away as an infant. Stephanie finds joy in Christ as she learns how He can more fully heal her on a daily basis and she is constantly working on making the Savior the focus of all aspects of her life, especially her parenting.